Artificial colors

Artificial food colourants allow to get a bright and saturated colors, using low doses. They provide a much greater range of colors than natural colourants. Artificial colors do not occur in nature and are organic substances produced by chemical synthesis. They are used individually and in mixtures with one another. Mixtures of colourants are used to obtain colors and tones that can not be prepared via the individual colourants.
Artificial food colors allow to get intense, persistent, easily reproducible colors and color tones of food products, as well as insensitive to the conditions of technological processing and storage.
They are supplied in the form of fine powders and granules, well soluble in water.


Title (Rus) Title (En) Code Е



Artificial Food colors, manufacturer ROHA DYECHEM Ltd India
Понсо 4R PONCEAU 4 R 124  
Синий блестящий FCF BRILLIANT BLUE FCF 133  
Индигокармин INDIGOCARMINE 132  
Тартразин TARTRAZINE 102  
Сансет "солнечный закат" SUNSET YELLOW FCF 110  
Кармуазин CARMOISINE 122  
Черный блестящий PN BLACK PN 151  
Коричневый шоколад R 240 Chocolate Brown R 240 mixed  
Аллюра красный Allura Red 129  
Own production
Зеленое яблоко 6104.02  Green apple 6104.02
Зеленый "Тархун" 6104.03  Green "Estragon" 6104.03
Фиолетовый  Purple Е122+Е133+Е151  


Application: soluble and water-soluble artificial food colors used for coloring of food, as well as cosmetics and household cleaning products. A wide collection, rich color range, high quality and impressive functional specifications.


Own production